AD3EC (Vitamin AD3EC Liquid)
is specially formulated to fulfill the requirements of Vitamin A, D3, E
and C under stress conditions. A balanced dose of these vitamins helps to
relieve all types of stress.
This product contains many vitamins which are important and
necessary for the living organism where these vitamins have an active action in
increasing the growth, increasing appetite, night blindness caused by vitamin A
deficiency, cases of eggs decrease, the presence of Vitamin D3 helps calcium
for fixing on bones and it is useful to be taken after preventive vaccines
Vitamin A : Important for reproduction , for development and maintenance
of epithelial cells.
Develops resistance against infection and diseases.
Vitamin D3 : Promotes intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorous.
Essential for normal bone growth and development.
Vitamin E : Acts as a natural antioxidant and protects polyunsaturated
fats in the body from oxidation. Enhances immune mechanisms of the body.
Vitamin C : Possess potent anti-stress property.
Acts as an Immunity Booster by developing resistance against infections
Composition: Each 5ml contains
Vitamin A 250000 I.U,
Vitamin D3 25,000 I.U,
Vitamin C 500mg,
Vitamin E Acetate 150mg,
Selenium 50mg,
Lysine 25mg,
Methionine 10mg.
Poultry: For the treatment & prevention
of Vitamin. A, D3 & E deficiency. To overcome the deficiency of vitamin
in case of infectious & parasitic diseases & after treatment. Acts as
supportive in case of Vaccination, use of anthelmintic & Antibiotic, in
case of Fertility problem, Hatching, Incubation, Feather picking, Cannibalism
etc. For the prevention of Testicular degeneration in cock & Lower ovum
production in layer breeder.
Large Animal: Increase fertility. Acts as an essential vitamin supplement
in case of Weakness, Dullness, Anorexia, Rickets, Metabolic problem etc. For
the proper development of different organs of the body in growing animals. For
the prevention of Testicular degeneration, lower ovum production. For the
treatment of night blindness, to increase hunger, to increase growth. It gives
better result in case of Vaccination, Pregnancy, after treatment of bacterial
& parasitic diseases & before parturition.