The best oral calcium in homogenous suspension for better growth and productivity.

Salient features

Provides optimum amount of calcium and phosphorus for faster growth and skeletal integrity.

Provides vitamin B12 for increased appetite and growth.

Provides vitamin D3 for better assimilation of calcium and phosphorus.

Increases milk, egg and meat production.


Each ml Contains

Nutritional value per 1000ml

Calcium                  35000mg,

Phosphorus          17500mg,

Vitamin D3          150000 I.U,

Vitamin B12            2000mcg,

Carbohydrate      400000mg,

Magnesium             2000mg

In flavored colored syrup, 


Dosage & Administration

Cattle and Horse 50 ml daily
Calf, Sheep and Dog 5-10 ml daily.


5Litre, 1Litre & 500ml HDPE Container

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